The Back Page attended this protest by accident but stayed long enough to record the wild posters and costumes.
Receiving unsolicited medical misinformation by megaphone while on a bike ride through Sydney’s Hyde Park is not our idea of a good time.
But this particular anti-vax protest, which occurred on Sunday 30 May, drew The Back Page’s interest.
It wasn’t the appalling spectacle of anti-covid-vaccine signs being put on display just days after Victoria went into another lockdown.
It was the attire.
We saw a man in Braveheart blueface carrying a shield and a sword, dogs wearing anti-covid-vaccine passport signs and people in “Stand for Freedom” hoodies.
There was even a stall offering “Covid is Fake News” stencilling for your clothing.
It was like wandering through the looking glass into an entirely different universe where up was down and nonsense was the new black.
We don’t usually cover anti-vax affairs (because it’s a pretty small group of vocal people who shouldn’t be overrepresented just because they have fun outfits) but we’re going to make an exception here.
The following are the most outrageous costumes and posters from this event, with fact checking where necessary, which is often.

BYO merch!

The blue-faced, sword-wearing William Wallace and the Edwardian chimney sweep were clearly the best dressed on the day.

The BP will be ordering “The media is the virus” mugs for our office.

Fact check: The vaccine is optional.

Fact check: The ABC’s daily update podcast, Coronacast, won a Walkley Award for excellence in journalism.

Fact check: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has urgedeligible patients to get their vaccinations.

Fact check: It is safer to be vaccinated than to get covid-19.

Fact check: People who catch covid are eight–10 times more likely to get blood clots than those who have been vaccinated.

Fact check: Adverse events related to covid vaccination are recorded on the TGA’s website.

Still processing this one.

Fun for the whole family … Also yes, still telling you it’s not mandatory.

Feature on vaccine passports pending …
If you want a ‘Covid is Fake News’ jacket, send story tips to